Game Design

Game Design

Game design is the process of creating the rules, mechanics, structure, and overall experience of a game. It involves designing the gameplay, story, characters, levels, user interface, and interactions within the game world. Game designers often work on balancing the game's challenges and rewards to ensure it is engaging and enjoyable for players. It's a blend of creativity, psychology, and technical knowledge aimed at crafting compelling interactive experiences.

Game Mechanics

Let’s start with game mechanics.

Game mechanics is the way that players interact with the game. They provide input and it causes something to happen in the game.

Some questions you can ask about the mechanics you want are:

  • Will the player be able to walk, run, or jump?
  • Will there be other mechanics like double jump, sprint, or dash?

My game ant battle has only one mechanic. Click on the screen and spawn an ant.

Ant Battle

From that it hands it off to the core game loop.

Core Game Loop

The core game loop is what your game is and how your game plays. It is why someone plays your game.

I have a behavior tree that determines how the ants behave. When they come in contact with each other they fight and battle. Hence the name of the game.

Example: A 2D Platformer where you run, jump, dash, to collect as many coins as you can, that unlock power ups, and hidden levels.

Coin Grab

The loop would be for each level the player is spawned at a certain location bursting out they collect all the coins for that level to unlock the next level. Then do it all over again.


There is so much more to talk about when it comes to game design, mechanics, and the core game loop. Please like and subscribe to stay updated and leave a comment about your ideas about game design.


Play Ant Battle

Game Design

Game Mechanics

Game Design Document Examples

What is a Core Game Loop?

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